Meet Ben, Melissa, William and Olivia!
Brisbane, QLD
Ben - Business Operations ManagerMelissa - Semi-Retired Teacher/Stay at Home Mum
William - TV Addict & Preppie (soon to be Grade 1)
Olivia - Professional brother annoyer & Kindy kid (soon to be Prep!)
The Neroni Family are all born and raised in Brisbane. During their life time, however, they've done stints in WA, Mt Isa (QLD), Central Qld and Melissa even did an exchange in a tiny town in Mississippi, USA for a year during high school. Nowadays, they are a busy young family (which includes their totally cute fur babies Boston & Baxter), who love camping along with exploring new playgrounds and parks, they can't say no to an ice-cream and love a good dance party in the kitchen.
Some fun facts about their family include:
* They think swimming in any water source constitutes as a shower, even if they come out dirty than they went in (they are built for camping life)
* Pink is life!
* McDonald's will forever be affecionately referred to as Old McDonald's
* They love jokes, even if they don't fully understand them. Their current favourite, ' How do you get Piccachu on a bus? You Pokemon' *drum and cymbal clashes*
When planning to head out on a picnic their must haves were a point of contention. The kids listed their must haves as:
- Water bottles
- Cheezels
- Chips
- Chocolate
As much as that sounded like a winning combination, the adults noted their must haves as:
- Champagne or a sneaky spirit
- An array of cheeses & cold meats
- Assortment of crackers, chips & bread (yay carbs!)
- Balanced with something sweet like chocolate or marshmallows
One picnic item they could all agree on was soft cheese *drool*. Brie and Camembert are clear winners in their household, even if none of them can tell the difference.
They regularly find new favourite picnic spots on every camping trip but their current local favourite is Biami Yumba Park, Fig Tree Pocket, QLD.
When asked if they could picnic anywhere in the world, where would it be? - the answers differed across the family:
Will & Olivia - Disneyland, because they had to cancel their family trip in 2020 and can't wait to go one day OR the local BMX track, because picnics should be fun!
Melissa - wants to go to Hawaii, because they've not been and well, it's Hawaii!
Ben - thinks a picnic on an Antarctic beach would be epic because, 'why not?'