Running a small business can be incredibly rewarding, but it also comes with more than its fair share of challenges. Don't get me wrong, I am incredibly proud of what I have created and grown in 2.5yrs but recently, I found myself facing a tough reality: my business is struggling financially. Instead of giving in to stress and uncertainty (which doesn't mean I haven't spent many moments in tears because yeah, I definitely have), however, I decided to take action and embark on a 30-day challenge to turn things around...
The First 10 Days: Setting the Stage
The first 10 days of this challenge have been a whirlwind of activity and creativity. I started by outlining a few clear goals for the end of this 30 day journey. As much as I can be a 'it's not about the destination but the journey' person, that doesn't always fly in business! My primary objectives are to increase brand awareness, boost sales, get on top of my finances (BAS/GST, Tax + Bookkeeping up-to-date) and consistency across all social media platforms (yikes - that one is tough!). To achieve these goals, I've committed to trying various marketing strategies extending past social media and web based platforms, while thinking outside the box and jumping in head first.
Getting Out of My Comfort Zone
One of the biggest steps I've taken is pushing myself out of my comfort zone (and that zone has become much smaller over the years thanks to a little thing called anxiety). I am embracing both traditional and modern marketing techniques, putting my face out into the world more and even approaching the public on the street...eek! Here's a snapshot of what I've been working on:
- More Time on TikTok: I've started documenting my daily efforts or simply updates on how I am feeling on TikTok while also showcasing more behind-the-scenes footage of running a small business. I allocated a VERY SMALL spend to some of my initial posts for the 30-day challenge. How small? $4 for 1 day on 3 different posts. I'm open to spending a little more on TikTok during the 30-day but truth be told, I probably can't afford to spend any more than $100 during this period.
- Pinterest: I set aside time to create scheduled content to post atleast every 2nd day during the 30-day challenge. I've not included any advertising spend on Pinterest as I'd love to see what kind of reach I may be able to achieve over this period for free.
- Flyer Letterbox Drop: Sometimes, old-school methods are bloody effective and unlike say email marketing, this is guaranteed to reach a new audience and they get to see my products immediately without opening anything. I've designed bright, eye-catching A5 size flyers and started distributing them in local neighbourhoods to attract more local customers and create more curiosity, hopefully leading them to my website and becoming customers.
- Free Bookmarks: As a way to give back and promote my business, I'm handing out free bookmarks to businesses and individuals, while my mother in-law also decided to slip bookmarks into random books in libraries across Brisbane as a cute little find and free gift for the next borrower. It's a small gesture that can leave a lasting impression.
- Approaching Real Estates: Real estate agents often gift a bottle of champagne or gift hamper to new owners upon settlement of their home. These items tend to either not last long or many people choose not to drink alcohol for health or cultural reasons. I have introducing my throws and totes as more thoughtful settlement gifts for their clients that are guaranteed to leave a lasting impression.
Goals for the End of the Challenge
By the end of this 30-day challenge, my main aim (need) is to see a noticeable improvement in my business's financial health. Specifically, my goals include:
- Increase in Sales: A boost in sales from both new and returning customers.
- Enhanced Brand Awareness: More people recognising and talking about my brand.
- Higher social media engagement and followers: I've learnt this is not an accurate indication of a brands success, however I want to build more of a community, to chat more and show what my brand is all about.
- Up-To-Date Bookkeeping: I feel like this area of my business has always struggled. Finding a new bookkeeper who's passion I can feel for wanting to help me, who is able to make time for me on a regular basis and even help educate me to increase my financial literacy surrounding my business which will only ensure positive finances going forward.
- Consistent Social Media Habits: A thorough plan that I can execute going forward to ensure no man gets left behind (ie. no social media/platform gets neglected or forgotten about haha).
Big love,
*Want to start your own 30-day challenge??
It doesn't matter what area of your life, home or business you want to shake up and improve, this simple document can help you map out your goals and what to tick off each day.