Pinch me!!
I can't believe it's been 3 years since I launched this dream of mine into the world.
Starting out I had no idea what was to come. The best way to describe it? It's almost exactly like having a child - Five Hearts is my 4th child.
In the planning stages you may face some set backs and challenges. But once it's almost time for the birth, you are filled with all these hopes, dreams and expectations of this next phase in life.
You think you are pretty well prepared, like you can handle whatever comes your way...
Once baby arrives you have moments of calm, like you're completely in control and are absolutely smashing this gig out of the park. But the majority of the time, you find yourself feeling like you know absolutely nothing and you are having to struggle along, learning everything as you go.
Soooooo much trial and error.
In amongst these feelings of unease though, you find yourself taking moments to reflect o what you have created. You feel immense pride in all of the little wins, all those moments of pure magic, in the growth of your business and pride in your own personal growth.
The evolution of you, your dreams and the new life you created.
Whether you were here to celebrate the birth, joined during milestone moments, witnessed teething issues and sleepless nights or just like watching my baby grow, waiting to see what's next - thank you. Thank you for being a part of the Five Hearts story and helping this baby grow into a walking, talking, playing, learning, growing and sometimes tantruming toddler.
I love that you're by my side.
Big love, Steph x
Founder, Five Hearts
Founder, Five Hearts