What a completely terrifying, pee-your-pants level of nervous yet insanely exciting time!
Launching a business is no joke. I think I was far more chill about becoming a first time parent and being allowed to take a little human home from the hospital than I was about introducing my business to the world.
Instagram stories from around launch in our branding colours.
There are many similarities though. With both you find yourself fumbling your way through, learning on your feet and hoping you make it another day without any (or at least very few) tears. I also feel with both you can't ever know and won't ever everything. There will always be new things to learn and old things to perfect.
It's crazy to think I launched my business baby one year ago. There are moments where it feels like yesterday and others where it feels like I have been doing this forever. I never dreamt of being an entrepreneur but I feel like all the roles I have had in my life have definitely lead me to this. I spent many years working in retail, managing staff, working to KPI's (which I bloody hated, so the numbers side of business and I still aren't great friends lol) along with administration and PA roles.
I have always thought of myself as more of an extrovert too. Striking up conversations with strangers and oversharing with checkout operators is one of my specialties. However, since having children and experiencing increased anxiety, I felt myself become more of an introvert as I hid from the world.
During this first year of business, I feel like I am forced to be more of an extrovert again. Putting my designs out there was one of the more vulnerable positions I have been in. To have my designs be loved, praised and even purchased gave me so much confidence. It is with this confidence I have been able to not only just do simple tasks like drive to the shops (something that I would try and avoid due to anxiety) but to attend co-working events with other business people, show my face more often on socials and even attend a few events solo - something I would never have dreamed of doing before starting this business.
With how much I have personally grown coupled with how much my business and the community surrounding it has grown in just 1 year, I am beyond giddy with anticipation of what the next 5-10 years have in store!
Left to right: First legit photoshoot, launch day bubbles with hubby and first order being sent out.
SHOUTOUTS for some pivotal moments and people from the past year.
Meg - my bestie and the very first person to place an order 4mins after I launched the website!
Emma - a bloody supportive mate and the best drinking buddy from our Hunter Valley days who was the 2nd person to place an order, featured in one of my early blogs and has placed another order since.
Damia - the best thing to come out of my time at FC and another friend who placed an order on launch night, FOR 3 THROWS!!
Melissa - our boys godmum and such an amazingly supportive friend who has ordered from me soooooo many times for herself, for gifts and even convinced the parents of her kids classes to gift the teachers throws for end of year teacher gifts! Bloody legend.
'Stranger' - is what I referred to her as lol. She was the first order I received from someone who wasn't a friend but another LadyStart Up business owner. This was a big milestone and happened day 2! She has ordered from me again and I have also ordered twice from her business now.
My Family - I am pretty sure now every single member owns at least one throw. They've never asked for freebies and have just been so supportive. Incredibly lucky.
My Husband - How I convinced him this was a good idea, I still don't know haha. I still haven't 'paid us back' for the money used to start the business but I am hoping that's what year 2 will bring. I think one of the proudest moments will be when the business is debt free, able to pay myself a little something and eventually be able to pay staff. But for now my hubby isn't remotely concerned, loves my designs and products (even carrying a Coming Home tote on the bus to work) while continually cheering me on. Love you to bits.
My Boys - suckers of my sanity, providers of purpose, creators of mess and destruction, inspirers of designs, endless givers of love and smiles of pure adoration but also my reason for starting my business, our business. I hope I make them even a small percentage as proud as they make me.
Big love to everyone who has been a part of the first year - you're all legends!
Steph x