Ready to indulge in the perfect winter treat?
Back in 2010 I travelled to Italy, France, Germany, Scotland and England over the Christmas and the New Year period. What an amazing adventure! After growing up in the Queensland bush it seemed like a crazy idea to choose winter to travel to Europe and would you believe they ended up experiencing some of the worst weather in 20yrs due to extreme snow fall. Just my luck! But actually, looking back, it was lucky. Seeing so many snow covered streets, Christmas trees in the street dusted with snow - it was like existing inside Christmas Carol, very surreal.
The main snow storms hit while we were in Florence and had planned a little day trip to the Leaning Tower of Pisa. After seeing the Tower and having my boots become flooded in from the snow (hello frostbite!) we stopped to buy me new, 'more snow friendly' boots from a lovely lady who spoke not a word of English. We decided to stay, enjoy lunch and a half litre of red wine (I love that in Italy you order wine by the litre) before jumping on the train back to Florence. The 1.5hr train ride there, turned into a 2.5hr delay and a 4hr train ride back. Many trains were being cancelled and shovelling of snow from the tracks had to occur, resulting in shoulder-to-should packed and slow moving trains. We met this beautiful couple from Canada, quickly became friends (I mean we s tightly packed in it only felt right to exchange pleasantries) and thankfully one of the ladies kept a pack of playing cards in her backpack - godsend!

Upon our return back to Florence we had dinner (I don't remember this meal but the nights either side I ate this insane crab gnocchi that I dream about to this day). We then wandered back through the snow to our hotel and stopped for a hot chocolate as little café bar on the corner of the block. Now this hot chocolate is one of the best things I have ever consumed. I have ordered many hot chocolates since and not one comes close.
This recipe though, this is probably the closest I have ever come. It's still not the same, possibly because I'm in Brisbane, a far cry from the cobbled streets, stunning architecture, and picturesque scenery of Florence, not a snowflake insight and the distinct lack of Christmas cheer in the air, likely because it's June...
If you are willing to dedicate 10-15mins to making a hot chocolate, patience is key here and I promise you won't regret it as you'll be rewarded with an indulgent and deliciously thick hot chocolate that you'll want to slurp off of your spoon.
No marshmallows necessary here, the hot chocolate is the star of the show.

3 tbsp Cocoa / Cacao
3 cups of your Milk of choice
3 tbsp Caster sugar
6 tsp Cornflour / Arrowroot
Pinch of salt
*If you want to be extra - a couple of squares of Lindt 70% Dark Chocolate*
What you'll need:
Small cup
Small saucepan
Measuring spoons and cups
2 x Large Mugs & teaspoons for serving