The story behind my design...
I first created a free phone wallpaper image similar to this called 'Lunga', as I sat reminiscing on my childhood. I transported myself back to cherished memories growing up with four living generations of family on Kalkadoon (Kalkatungu) Country. I remembered the good times, the sad times and the now distant times... 'Lunga' means cry or to cry in Kalkatungu language. In my mind, I envisioned my tears falling and gently hitting the dirt at my feet, sinking in to the dry earth beneath me. Two large drops would continue to form as tears fell thinking about my family, my ancestors and my home - my 'Stomping Ground'.
The large concentric circles typically represent meeting places or waterholes - my interpretation is my tears are like waterholes. At times they may be muyuta (dry/dried up), much like the earth around them but when the kuu (rain) comes, the waterholes fill again but over time these will dry until the next big rain and so the cycle continues - much like emotions experienced throughout life or as we reflect on history and those who have passed.